Blog Post

Chasing Freedom

Chasing Freedom

It has been reported that Canadians spend the most time in front of a computer screen increasing the average to 4.2 hours per day, followed by 3.1 hours of watching TV, and 2.4 hours on social media.  If we were to assume the time spent on the computer was for work, we must be highly efficient or highly distracted.  


Social Media is beneficial in keeping us connected to our friends and family, especially during this time of physical distancing.  Chances are we are not spending 2.4 hours per day connecting with our friends and family online Therefore, it is right to assume we are highly distracted.

We are distracted with the things we think matter and want to be part of.  We want to put an end to all the horrifying crimes against humanity, so we become consumed with social media as it is our access to the world.  We read and re-post a variety of articles that breed fear, worry and anxiety.  Making media outlets rich at the expense of our own soul.

Why do I reference it in this manner, at the expense of our own soul?

Addiction To The News

Follow this syllogism with me – The release of adrenaline can be addicting, fight or flight news reporting creates adrenaline rushes, therefore, we become addicted to the news.

Whether its COVID-19, a school shooting, the moral failure of a high-profile politician or celebrity, starving children in impoverished countries, natural disasters, many chase the news.  Each day we experience unrelenting stimulation through outlets such as social media and can become “headline junkies”.  Junkies in any capacity engage in activities that produce strong feelings of excitement, fear or anger and adrenaline is released when the body senses the “fight or flight” in response.

Here is the trap that can lead to addiction.  Sensation-seekers (or headline junkies for the sake of today’s topic) perceive more benefits than consequences in their behavior.  The pay-off after the adrenaline rush is the release of dopamine, the “feel-good” chemical (just like the post work-out high many experience that prevents us from feeling the pain in our muscles after a time of tearing and stretching).  Over time the body learns to connect the activity that caused the adrenaline rush that led to the release of dopamine and addiction begins to take root.

The irony is the news is not the cause of your pain – it is merely the gateway that brings temporary satisfaction.

Addiction Only Offers Temporary Relief

All addiction offers is temporary relief to the pain in our lives.  No addiction can bring restoration to our soul.  Yet, we seek the relief when what we need is to seek restoration.

Here’s the good news.  Every destructive behavior has been learned.  If you learned it, you can unlearn it.

Did you know that your soul was never meant to know the news of the world?  Your soul is a magnet, it wants to attach to what it is exposed to.  Many are attaching themselves to events that are happening all over the world that they can do nothing about, and it breeds unhealthy levels of fear, worry and anxiety – toxic stress.  

I remember a visit from a family member who was up in arms about how the Obama Administration was dealing with Iraq.  My response was, “So what!  How does this affect how you live your life today?”

Your soul is designed to live in community.  To nurture and be nurtured within.  The burdens and hardships within that community are meant for you to do something about.  To carry the weight of the world will crush your soul. 

Care For Your Soul

I love the examples of Jesus.  He knew what to get involved with and what to walk away from.  It wasn’t unkind or a lack of compassion on His part when He would leave the crowds and move on.  He demonstrated for us how we can and ought to live, with intention.

Jesus was intentional about spending time caring for His soul.  He experienced the limitations of being human and we can read how the endless needs of the crowd can drain you to exhaustion.  Often, He would escape to find a quiet place on a mountainside to be restored.  Only one time are we shown when He was overwhelmed – in the garden on the eve of His crucifixion.  That day was a day where He carried the weight of not just the world but for all generations, past, present and future and the burden was so heavy He literally sweat blood.

The global concerns of the world are for Jesus’ shoulders, not yours.  Your shoulders are for your community.  That’s where you are known.  That’s where you are needed.  That’s where your influence lives.  That’s where you belong.

Jesus had to physically escaped the crowd.  All we have to do is turn off our devices to escape the crowd to find that place where we can be free from worry, free from fear, free from addiction.  Chase that freedom and experience the satisfaction of a soul restored.

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