Doing Hard Things Demands Assurances!

Doing Hard Things Demands Assurances!

Judges 6:17-24 Bungy jumping is fun, apparently! I have never done it. If I would do it I would want assurance that I would live to tell how fun it was. So, I wonder, “What assurances would I need before I jumped?” One kind of assurance I would want is the right answer to the questions, “How new is the bungy cord? Trust me it has to be really new! When asked to do hard things warriors need assurances. Often these are linked to our sense of identity. How we see and think about ourselves increases or decreases our “can…
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Who Does God say We Are? Judges 6:12-16 “Who am I?” is the wrong question. It is the right starting place but it is the wrong place to stay. The right question is, “Who does God say that I am?”. The question of our identity is more important than we might imagine. How we see ourselves profoundly affects our sense of destiny. Every Olympic athlete knows this to be true. They know the importance of a destiny shaping mindset - “Think you can. Think you can’t. Either way you are right!” An athlete who believes in his/her strengthened body, training…
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The Cry of the Impoverished!

The Cry of the Impoverished!

Judges 6: 1-12 Impoverished people cry out for help and warriors hear their cry! The people of Israel were suffering under the power of Midian. Their story is told in the Bible in Judges chapters 6-9. For 7 years the Midianites invaded the land of Israel to ravage it, “And the Israelite's cried out to the Lord for help!”(Judges 6:7). There is a cry going up to God out of the mouths of God’s people in Canada. This cry is a cry of “What is wrong with our country?”. Charles Colson in his book The Good Life (Tyndale 2005) speaks…
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Your Territory is YOUR Territory!

Your Territory is YOUR Territory!

You are responsible for the territory God has assigned to you. It’s your territory! When accessing the “Map App” on your mobile phone a blue dot shows up marking your location. The blue dot emits blue waves of light. Can you see it? Wherever you move in your vehicle the blue dot moves with you marking your location. Think now of this blue dot being you. It represents your positioning by Jesus in a specific place in His Kingdom. Your placement is strategic, on His part, as He wants to take that territory back. Stop now to imagine what this…
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Focus…the choice is yours

Focus…the choice is yours

All adversity, trials and warfare give us the opportunity to focus on the nature and character of God. When we are faced with adversity, trials, temptation and warfare we have a choice.  We can choose to focus on our problems, trials, temptations or the enemy or we can choose to focus on Father and who He wants to be for us in the midst of whatever is going on.  When we magnify Father, His character and nature and who He is for us in the midst of our problems we make Him clearer, bring Him into focus, make Him bigger than…
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