HOLY WIT E21 – What’s Love Got To Do With It?

HOLY WIT E21 – What’s Love Got To Do With It?

In Episode 21 Cam and Stephanie ask What's Love Got To Do With It? No it's not the song by Tina Turner, the "it" in the question is conflict. So what does love have to do with conflict? It seems like the two are so opposite that they would have nothing in common. When conflict comes we can tend to believe it is the end of the relationship but it can actually be the deepening of a relationship if it is done in the right kind of love. Too often love fails because we have been taught a common love.…
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HOLY WIT E20 – Healthy Conflict Resolution Part 2

HOLY WIT E20 – Healthy Conflict Resolution Part 2

In part two of healthy conflict resolution Stephanie is joined again by Marci. They take a look at a roadmap for those who have been asked to mediate a conflict or are wanting to find a mediator for their conflict. What are the next steps if you can't come to a resolution one on one? What should be the determining factors when choosing a third person as a mediator? They discuss the roles of a mediator in conflict resolution from bringing clarity to prayer to keeping the conversation going in the right direction. The conversation warps up with the discussion…
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HOLY WIT E19 – Healthy Conflict Resolution Part 1

HOLY WIT E19 – Healthy Conflict Resolution Part 1

In the last episode we ended with the question "who gains by Christians living substandard to God's way?" and "who gains from permanently separating the repentant sibling from our communities?" In part one of the healthy conflict resolution within community episode Stephanie is joined by Marci. They look at what unhealthy conflict looks like in comparison to healthy conflict. Throughout the episode they discuss what the end goal of healthy conflict is. The episode is wrapped up with the discussion about bringing Holy Spirit into the conflict and actively listening to truly hear the other person.
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HOLY WIT E18 – Kicking Someone Out Of Community

HOLY WIT E18 – Kicking Someone Out Of Community

In this episode we talk about Paul's direction in 1 Corinthians 5 to kick someone out of community turning them over to Satan for a time for the destruction of their flesh. We discuss what it means to repent and take our thoughts captive in order to change the way we live. Do we kick the person out after one offense? At what point do we kick them out of community and send them away? When an individual is sent out of spiritual community they are removed from the protective covering that is part of the community. The story of…
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HOLY WIT E17 – To Judge Or Not To Judge

HOLY WIT E17 – To Judge Or Not To Judge

To judge or not to judge, that is the question. In this episode Cam and Stephanie Harris talk about whether or not we are to judge.  Looking at the scripture 1 Corinthians 5 about the man who was sleeping with his fathers wife and the response of the fellowship.  The apostle Paul's taught about how to deal with someone who is in your spiritual community and being unrepentant.   He talks about not being present and passing judgement on it.We delve into the improper teaching that is in many churches that we are not to judge.  We in fact are…
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