We are born into a world at war and it is going on all around us day and night as the kingdom of darkness clashes with the Kingdom of God in spiritual warfare. Just take a look around you at friends and family who are being taken out all the time.
Whether or not we choose to engage in the battle we are being assaulted. The good news is that we fight from victory not towards it. Warriors have a King who loves us and trains us how to battle. Holy Spirit equips us with all the weapons we need for spiritual warfare. Father God is raising up warriors who are the modern day version of David’s Mighty Men that we learn about in 2 Samuel 23. These modern day mighty men are the men and women that God is training for His vanguard here on earth to advance the Kingdom of God now.
Spiritual warfare of the world, the flesh and the demonic
Warfare against us comes from the world, the flesh and the demonic. More often it is a combination of two or all three of these areas that war against us. This is why it is critical that we first learn to walk with God, to discern what He is saying through the Holy Spirit. When we begin here we can first discern where the warfare is coming from. More importantly we learn what God’s specific battle plan is for us.