This Will Be The Day I Die

This Will Be The Day I Die

“So bye bye Miss American Pie.” The religious establishment of the day lost control of the people.  Many were following a man whose message did not line up with their laws.  This establishment was offended by this man’s message and instead of listening to him they plotted and schemed against him.  They gathered false evidence that they could use to put this man to death. “Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry.” Once they had successfully arrested this man, they took him to the home of the High Priest to present their claims against him and…
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Learning how to hear the voice of God

Hosts Cam and Stephanie Harris talk about what it is to learn how to walk with God and what is means to hear the voice of God.  Listen as Stephanie shows us in 1 Samuel 3 how the story of Eli and Samuel examples to us so many ways we can learn about how God speaks to us.  Cam and Stephanie talk about how scripture is about examples not exceptions and share current stories about God speaking to us today and what happens when we listen and respond. Creating our content takes some time and a good amount of caffeine. If…
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The Heart of Man

The Heart of Man

The heart of man is suspicious to me.  Even to put it that way, “the heart of man” is deemed to be offensive.  It’s like those three letters are poison to the human condition.  Oops, pardon me, there I go again with the m.a.n. Talk to any woman…ha ha…it’s like you can’t escape it.  Let me start again. I met this person from Manitoba.  Ah!  Enough already! Can we agree this is ridiculous?  Listen, there are some harsh realities of the human condition that we need to take a clean, sober look at, and the use of the word “man”…
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Listening – The Missing Art

Listening – The Missing Art

Darkness is a silent killer.  A place where time stands still while the mind races at quantum speeds.  It is said that the battle is for the mind.  Is that why the noise inside of my head is just as real as the noise coming from the outside.  I would talk if the words didn’t float around meaningless in this abyss of the mind.  I would scream but the echo hurts my head.  I could reach out but don’t have the energy. They tell me healing is a journey while we wait in line at the drive thru.  As we…
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Repetition Equals Truth

Repetition Equals Truth

Repetition equals truth.  Do you believe it?  Defined as a “glitch” of the human psyche, repetition is probably the most effective strategy used for both good and evil purposes. Photo by Josh Coleman What creates brand awareness and loyalty, if not repetition?  Everyone has a brand they are loyal to, no matter what, whether it be vehicles, sporting equipment, household cleaners, there is at least one brand that you will never stray from. Repetition has become the number one strategy used in politics for who will vote for an unknown candidate.  Ask yourself how a celebrity, with no prior experience…
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