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The Adversity Advantage

The Adversity Advantage

A devotional by Kervin Raugust

“Count it pure joy when you face trials of all kinds because you as a warrior KNOW the testing of your faith
develops perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you will become mature, complete, not lacking
anything.” James 1:2-4

Between stimulus and response, there is a space.
In that space lies our freedom and
power to choose our response.
In those choices lie our growth and our happiness.

Dr. Viktor Frankl
Holocaust survivor

Think about it, today between the time something is happening to you, and your response there will be
a moment in which you have the power to choose your response. When life is sailing along the decision
in that space is easily made but when the winds of adversity blow the choice becomes complicated and

James, the brother of Jesus challenges us to remember we can see adversity as advantage if we respond
to it by choosing wisely. By wisely we must understand something invisible is happening that the mind
does not conceive. The original language for the word ‘testing’ speaks of the forging process. A piece of
iron is placed in the bed of hot coals and heated to red hot. The physics of this tells us that while being
heated the molecules in the iron begin to realign themselves changing the nature of the iron making it
stronger. Then the iron is placed under the blows of the blacksmith’s hammer reshaping it to something
more beautiful and useful. And so, it is in us, when we face adversity it has the power to strengthen,
reshape and mature us.

You may be facing adversity at varying levels of intensity right now. Adversity is hard to take. Pain is not
pleasant. Happiness is fleeting. Longing for relief is normal. Yet, adversity can be a source of growth if
we choose wisely. Choosing to persevere is the path of wisdom. Choosing to let perseverance finish its
work becomes easier as we remember God is forging character in us. This path can be a source of joy if
we choose to believe the forging of adversity makes us more – mature and complete; not lack anything.
Warrior Assignment. The three most important words in James 1:2-4 are, “because you know”. What do
you need to know if adversity is to become your advantage? How about running your thoughts by a
friend today listening for her/his response and insights?

Warrior Prayer. Jesus, to be honest adversity is more than hard, it is painfully hard. It leaves me stunned
at times and despairing too. I am so grateful that you understand how I feel, for you endured adversity
too. Strengthen my resolve to persevere when my optimism and faith wanes. Surround me with your
presence for in you I find strength renewed. Thank you Jesus! Amen.

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