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No Self-Condemnation

No Self-Condemnation

Warrior Table Talk

Crafted by … Kervin Raugust

No Self-Condemnation

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways confess your dependence on Him and He will direct your steps.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Peak performers understand the power of positive self-talk as a motivating force. To be so is not easy for there is always a voice, sometimes whispering and sometimes shouting a negative word along the way. How one responds to the negative voice determines the height of achievement.

Self-condemnation is an accusing voice and leads to a life of striving. Another word to describe this kind of life is the word “driven”. Driven people are never satisfied with their performance in the six domains of their being – attitudes, choices, mindset, behaviors, relationships or their spirit person. It is a terrible way to live for it is a life driven by fear. Fear of failure, fear of not being good enough or fear of not having what it takes now and fear of the future.

How loud is the voice of self-condemnation in you? Are your thoughts more about how you under-perform than about God’s provision for you? The Bible says, God is our provider who gives us permission to ask and expect Him provide for us. A paraphrase of Proverbs 3:5-6 says,

“Trust in the Lord with all your emotional energy, and do not over-rely on your own – understanding, intellect, skills, position, personality, financial resources or professional network as if these were all that are required to be successful. On the contrary, in all arenas of your life and in every challenge you face begin by declaring your dependence on God AND then be alert to how He helps you along the way.” 

So, warrior hearted man/woman of God which voice will you pay attention too? Will you listen to the voice of the father of lies speaking words of condemnation or will you follow the voice of God who promises His presence and provision?

Warrior Assignment…

The voice of self-condemnation comes to crush your confidence both in God and in yourself. What would happen if you totally believed the promise of Proverbs 3:5-6? How about talking this question over with a warrior-friend?

Warrior Prayer…

Jehovah Jireh, my provider. I confess there are times I have been overly self-reliant. My trust has been in my own ability to pull it off. I am weary of being whipped by striving. Thank you for your promise to help me perform at my peak. I appreciate it. Amen!

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