Don’t you just hate it when your enemy gets credit for helping others? The audacity that they would even think to help others when they have done you wrong! They cannot be allowed to continue offering free medical care to those sick with COVID-19 because you are offended!
As crazy as it sounds, this exact thing is happening right now. Pay close attention to the growing opposition instigated by the LGBTQ against Samaritan’s Purse for their field hospital in New York City’s Central Park. They are aware that Samaritan’s Purse was asked to deploy their resources on American soil yet are fighting to shut it down arguing it is discrimination.
What’s really going on?
Evangelist Franklin Graham, the prodigal son of the late Billy Graham, is the president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse. Franklin is a warrior, a mighty man of valor, a man who fully and completely trusts in the Lord God Almighty.
This is offensive to the LGBTQ community. Their protest is based on the fact that Franklin Graham is a vocal opponent of same-sex marriage and the gay lifestyle, who is spreading “hateful anti-gay propaganda”.
What are the two sides saying to the media?
According to NBC news, Jay W. Walker, an activist with the Reclaim Pride Coalition said the following, “How was this group ever considered to bring their hatred and their vitriol into our city at a time of crisis when our people are fighting a pandemic?”
On opening day for this field hospital, Franklin Graham said the following in an interview on Premier Christian News, “We’re going to do all that we can to try to save life.”
As of Tuesday April 16, 2020, 119 patients received treatment for COVID-19. This includes 51 hospitalizations, 5 in ICU, while 44 were discharged. People are getting the help they need. Confused as to what the real issue is? What’s really going on?
The opposition feels discriminated against because the staff, contractors and volunteers are required to sign a statement of faith. As you would expect, part of this statement of faith includes a declaration that you hold to the belief that marriage is exclusively a union between one genetic male and one genetic female.
Obviously, a statement those in opposition will not agree to. Okay…understood, but how is this any different than applying for a job as a personal trainer when you are 100 pounds overweight?
This is not an “all or nothing” scenario. We cannot draw conclusions of who will or will not be treated in this hospital based on the standard that those who are working adhere to.
“We’re there in Jesus’ name. Every person that comes into the hospital we want them to know that God loves them and cares for them. Our doctors and nurses pray for every patient. We give the best possible health care that we can, but we do it in Jesus’ name and we don’t back away from our Christian faith. We share it openly with everyone who comes through the door. Of course, if someone doesn’t want us to pray for them, we will certainly respect their request, but we have had no one say, “please don’t pray for me”. Everybody wants prayer at this time.”
Franklin Graham
With the standard policy to pray for every patient, why would a member of the LGBTQ even want to enlist in any capacity within this organization considering their hate for all that it stands for?
Samaritan’s Purse is not the only organization helping those in need during this pandemic. Why can’t those who do not have faith in Jesus Christ and follow the teaching of the Bible find another place to offer help and allow Samaritan’s Purse to continue in that which they are trained and equipped to do?
A clash of two kingdoms
It’s a clash of two kingdoms, a physical manifestation of the spiritual battle for your soul. On one hand, for the opposition to walk away and allow this field hospital to operate is to accept defeat, no matter how many patients are treated. On the other hand, if the opposition is successful in closing down this hospital, no time would be wasted in accusing them of turning their back on New Yorker’s in this time of great need.
Do you recognize the deception? The kingdom of darkness is not concerned about your well- being, never has and never will. They will bully you until you give in and then accuse you before the Lord for giving up.
In contrast, let’s be clear on God’s position…His character and nature. He is concerned about your eternal well-being. Every breath you draw is a reminder that the God of Heaven is giving you another opportunity to respond to His goodness and kindness. It is the goodness and kindness of God that leads to repentance. Repentance leads to salvation and salvation leads to eternal life. This life He offers to everyone…everyone!
When we can look past the offense and see what is going on “behind-the-scenes”, we will see what the battle is really about. At the end of the day, the battle is over the decision of your soul. The fight is not whether or not you are “gay or straight”, it’s about the decision of your soul to say yes to God or not.
That’s what really matters.
As Christ followers, we need to stand firm in our convictions based on the Word of God. We are children of the God of love, and therefore, move in the same way Christ would in loving and caring for others. Did the Inn Keeper question the Samaritan on his world views and if he was of The Way? Christ is clear that when He doesn’t agree with our actions and He will tell us. Not sugar coat, but do it in a “truth in love” way. Just as I believe Franklin Graham has. When we continue to move in love, the world will see love and not hate or dissension.