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Disciples Gain Knowledge And Move Into Action

Disciples Gain Knowledge And Move Into Action

Francis Chan, founder of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California, had a vision for this church that consisted of three goals.

  1. For the people to sing directly to God with reverence and emotion. 
  2. For the people to really hear the Word of God, to dig deep into Scripture…even go to those verses that contradict our logic and desires.
  3. Finally, for the people to live holy lives.

Cornerstone Church began in 1994 with 30 people and by the time Frances left in April of 2010, it had grown to over 6,000.  Why would anyone leave a mega church such as this?  To pastor a church of six thousand members is a huge success for how many smaller churches covet those numbers?  How many churches gauge their success in the number of people who attend their weekend services? 

In his book, “Letters to the Church”, Frances says,

“The bible tells us that every member of the body has a gift necessary to the functioning of the Church.  When I looked at what went on in Cornerstone, I saw a few other people and me using our gifts, while thousands just came and sat in the sanctuary for an hour and a half and then went home.  The way we had structured church was stunting people’s growth, and the whole body was weaker for it.”

Is this what God had intended for His Church, His bride?  To watch God work through a select few in displaying their gifts of music, prayer, teaching, healing and preaching? 

Jesus said in John 15:8, “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be My disciples.”

I enjoy competition.  I enjoy running races such as the Spartan Race.  Now let’s say I run next year send out an invite for all of you to come and watch me, to cheer me on.  How many would show up?

Now let’s say I send out an invite for all of you to train with me so we can run the race together.  How big would our team be?

James said, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.”

To be a disciple of Jesus is more than attending a weekend church service to listen to the music and a lecture.  It is hearing the word of God and following it up with action.

To be a disciple of Jesus is more than attending a Bible Study, Freedom Session, Soul Care, Encounter God.  The problem with many programs is that they have a clear start and end date, nothing much of anything happens afterward except to get people reliant on gaining knowledge but lacking in action.

Disciples Gain Knowledge And Move Into Action

restoring eden

The disciple of Jesus gains knowledge and moves into action. 

This is what Restoring Eden is about.  What begins with a weekend intensive is followed up with Coaching in HD, Coaching in Healing Discipleship.  While there is a start date, the end is up to you.

Coaching in HD is taking the good knowledge acquired through programs, bible studies, etc and giving you the opportunity to put it into practice, cheering you on as you live out what you have learned. 

Coaching in HD is designed for you.  If you desire growing the gift of prophecy, teaching, prayer, healing, leadership or evangelism, we will train you in providing a solid foundation while presenting opportunities to practice what you learn. Our desire is to inspire you to grow the fruit God has blessed you with so you can show yourself to be His disciple for that is what the Christian life and God’s Church is all about.  It’s not about the number of members.  It is about discipleship and discipleship is not a spectator sport.  Discipleship starts with listening to God’s word and matures with action.

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