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Waves of Opinion vs Rock of Truth

Waves of Opinion vs Rock of Truth

Do you feel as though opinions have become like money?  Just as gold is no longer required to back up paper notes we call dollars; facts are no longer required to back up opinions. 

It’s like society is living on a ship without an anchor or a rudder, tossed by the waves and steered by the wind.  Meanwhile the captain has been thrown overboard because neither of his facts nor experience agree with the opinions of a small group of passengers on how to navigate a ship through the storm.

Which is better?  Coca-Cola or Pepsi?  Work experience or Education?  Liberal or Conservative?  Nazarene or Baptist?  Last Man Standing or Modern Family?

The answers to the questions are primarily based on personal preference.  You have a right to form and change your opinion based on how you think, feel and choose.  After all, it is your opinion.

However, opinions have limits. 

You may be of the opinion that after a night of partying at the bar you are still able to drive home.  However, if the police pull you over, administer a breathalyzer test and you fail, your opinion will not save you from the consequences of driving impaired. 

Opinions are exposing.

You may be of the opinion that the Bible is outdated, incapable of keeping up to the changes in society.  Churches have changed, people have changed, family values have changed, laws have changed, education has changed.  With every change of opinion exposes how we think about God, His Word and how we are to live.

Guess what?  God has not amended nor edited His Word to be more socially relevant.  Opinions do not have the power to influence God to change His mind. 


“God is not human, that He should lie, not a son of man, that He should change His mind.”

Numbers 23:19

The truth is that He is not interested in winning your opinion for today’s popularity contest.  He is interested in the condition of your soul and the condition of your soul is exposed through the opinions you form.

For example, you may be of the opinion that it is okay to have sex before marriage.

God’s word says, “nope, not okay.”

Alright, how about after you are engaged to be married, is it okay then?  What does God say about that?

God’s word says, “still not okay.”

Now you are married and are tempted into an adulterous affair and God says, “never okay.”

His answer does not change, while human opinions roll like the waves of the sea  

God is who He was yesterday, who He is today and who He will be tomorrow.  This is good news for you.  You can build your life on the Truth of who He is; knowing His answer remains the same no matter who is asking. 

Allow me to say it again, God does not change.  He is the right Captain for your ship.  His Word is the anchor that keeps you from being tossed around from one wave of opinion to another.  He is where your peace in the midst of the storm is found.


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